This document describes your options when looking to unpublish a package published to the public registry.
Registry data is immutable, meaning once published, a package cannot change. We do this for reasons of security and stability of the users who depend on those packages. So if you've ever published a package called "bob" at version 1.1.0, no other package can ever be published with that name at that version. This is true even if that package is unpublished.
However, because accidents happen, we allow you to unpublish packages in the situations described below. Otherwise, you can always deprecate a package.
For newly created packages, as long as no other packages in the npm Public Registry depend on your package, you can unpublish anytime within the first 72 hours after publishing.
Regardless of how long ago a package was published, you can unpublish a package that:
To unpublish a single package version, run npm unpublish <package_name>@<version>
If all the versions of a package can be unpublished, you can unpublish all versions at once by running npm unpublish <package_name> --force
has been used, you can never use it again. You must publish a new version even if you unpublished the old one.If your package does not meet the unpublish policy criteria, we recommend deprecating the package. This allows the package to be downloaded but publishes a clear warning message (that you get to write) every time the package is downloaded, and on the package's page. Users will know that you do not recommend they use the package, but if they are depending on it their builds will not break. We consider this a good compromise between reliability and author control.
This can be achieved by using one of the following from your command line:
npm deprecate <package> "<message>"
to deprecate the entire packagenpm deprecate <package>@<version> "<message>"
to deprecate a specific versionIf the entire package is deprecated, the package name will be dropped from our search results.
Once deprecated, if you would also like for the package to be removed from your user profile, it can be transferred to our @npm account. This can be achieved by using the following from your command line:
npm owner add npm <package>
npm owner rm <your_username> <package>
This document is additive to the unpublish procedures, the CLI commands unpublish documentation and the "Changes to npm Unpublish Policy - January 2020" blog post.
If for some reason your package meets the unpublish policy criteria but the unpublish command fails, or if you need assistance with the deprecate process, please reach out to our support team where we'll be happy to assist.
If you believe a package violates npm's terms or policies, such as our terms of use, reach out to our support team. If a package infringes your copyright, refer to npm's DMCA takedown policy. If you believe a package violates your privacy rights, contact our privacy team as soon as possible.
This is a living document and may be updated from time to time. Please refer to the git history for this document to view the changes.
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